Getting started...

Why I didn’t think of this sooner, I’ll never know.

Basically, I like two things (outside of my boyfriend, my family and the Arizona Wildcats): sports and food.

I read/write/watch/listen to an absurd amount about both. I watch sports and cooking shows on TV and that’s about it. I download sports podcasts and food show podcasts. And, uh, I won’t go too into depth about how much food I actually consume on a daily basis. No need to scare people off right at the start.

So, here I am, starting a blog where food and sports will co-exist quite happily. It’s as the world should be, really. One of my favorite quotes was said by a football player in an interview with Sports Illustrated some years ago: “Food is my favorite food.” Truer words were never spoken.

I plan on covering the two from any and every angle possible. Nutrition, fitness (I do NOT claim to be an expert in either, as my thighs will attest), cooking, Q & As with people in the know, and rating stadium food (also known as CONCESSIONS! Are you rolling with me here?)

Sports and food always say a lot about a culture. I’m fascinated by different cultures and how they affect our decisions and our lifestyles. I think sports and food can tell you more about a culture over just about anything else.

I’m definitely not vegetarian, definitely not vegan, and definitely not a health nut. I simply love In-N-Out too much. But I do try to eat healthy as much as possible; I just fail miserably from time to time. If there weren’t such a thing as chocolate chip cookies, maybe we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

I’m looking forward to all that I’m going to learn and all that I can share with anyone who stumbles upon this blog.

Oh and P.S. Be patient with my photography skills. I’m hoping they will become photography SKILLZ, but I have a long way to go.
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