Tales of a running hater: Part II

                                 Running isn't fun. Downloading podcasts on your new iPod is.

 Week 2 of the Couch-to-5k program has come.

Or more specifically, as I’ve seen on the Couch-to-5k facebook fan page I just joined, W2D2. People refer to where they are in the program by week and day. So in the interest of solidarity with my 40,000 new facebook friends, I’ll do it too.

As mentioned in my first post about the program (you can read it here), running and I are not BFFs.

Not even close.

But so far, the Couch-to-5k program has been exactly what I was looking for.

First, it’s free. You don’t have to sign up for anything. I’m a writer; needless to say, free is good.

Mostly though, it works for me because the program is 30 minutes long, three times a week. Much of my dislike of running is more dread than anything else. The idea of spending everyday doing long runs holds about as much interest for me as making a visit to the DMV. This program makes you feel like you can get in decent running shape (which is all I want) with 90 minutes a week. That, I can get on board with.

At this point, the workouts are pretty easy. This week, you run six intervals at 90 seconds apiece, and in between each of those you walk for two minutes. Doing intervals at this point helps too; running can be monotonous for me, but this helps break it up.

So obviously, “running” is pretty relative. I didn’t push it too hard on Monday, but went a little harder on the running sections today. As each running interval comes, I try to run it a little faster. By the sixth and final one today, I was probably running at about 90 percent of my full speed.

The podcast I use to help me through it is great too. It’s nice to not worry about looking at a watch to see when your interval is up. The podcast by Robert Ullrey I found on iTunes keeps track of all for me, playing upbeat music and telling me when to start and stop. 

It feels good now, but I’m wondering how long that will last. I’m sure by Week 6 I’ll be missing these 90 second intervals.
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