Friday Favorites:

Friday Favorites

New beginnings: In February, I got engaged to my favorite person in the entire world. This week, I started a new job, which came when I needed it most. After a week, I really think I’m going to enjoy this job. This year has started well for me, and I feel incredibly blessed for that. 

NCAA Tournament Round 1: The first day was phenomenal. My fiancĂ© and were watching one of those March Madness highlight shows, where they showed classic moments from the tournament. What did we notice? That all but one of the “classic” games occurred before the 2000s.  The tournament hasn’t been good in quite a few years. This one is shaping up to be interesting, after a very un-interesting year in college basketball. With many of the classic tourney teams gone (UNC, Connecticut, Arizona, UCLA) this year is wide open.

Williams and Sonoma: It won’t be good for my bank account but there’s one right near my work, and that makes me pretty happy.
Friday Fails

Not using your brain properly. Well, not you, me. You don’t use your brain, and you end up in East L.A. in a Disneyland-ish line to get your birth certificate and to top it all off, get a parking ticket too. I’m always thankful when a bunch of bad things happen in one day; that way I feel like I’m getting all out of the way for awhile.

Ron Washington- He’s handled the situation as well as he could in the aftermath, but cocaine? At 57? That is disconcerting, to say the least.

Wedding diet. I’m not really on one (surprising information, I’m sure) but I am trying to eat better and work out consistently. That said, working in a big office makes it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to eat healthy. Today there were TWO kinds of cake due to someone leaving, and tomorrow we’re all bringing breakfast stuff for someone’s birthday. I mean, what am I supposed to do with mint-n-chip ice cream cake? Watch other people eat it?


One of my most importantly life rules: if there's mint-n-chip ice cream in the vicinity, don't let it melt.
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Anonymous said...

I gained weight before my wedding! Don't stress out about it. Eat what you want and you will be happier. :o)