Friday Favorites and Fails

Friday Favorites

Living in Southern California:
We’ve had a rash of bad rainstorms here over the last few weeks, but that is nothing compared to what the Mid-Atlantic is going through right now. I’m sure these are great places to live, but 45 degrees and rainy is generally as bad as it gets here, which is something to be thankful for. I can see snow on the mountains from my house, and that’s exactly where I like it: close enough to take in how beautiful it looks…but far enough away where I am in no danger of the snow touching me if I go outside.

My new cookbook: My plan is to write a full post on this later, but it’s truly ridiculous and nerdy how excited I get about buying new cookbooks. If I wasn’t a writer by trade and actually had money, there’s no doubt the collection on my shelf would at least be double what it currently is.

This particular cookbook makes me happy because it’s a cookbook for athletes called “The Athlete’s Palate.” I plan on cooking through many of the recipes and writing about it here on this blog…and I may or may not be trying the cupcake recipe first.

The Lakers winning without Kobe Bryant:  It’s impressive, first off. Second, it makes other NBA fan bases really jealous and they hate the Lakers even more. This always makes me laugh.

The Winter Olympics getting under way: Opening Ceremonies is tonight in Vancouver. It’s always a great two weeks where we get to hear lots of incredible stories about extraordinary athletes who have sacrificed a lot to get where they are. The Concession Stand is especially pulling for Tim Burke, Emily Azevedo and Jeff Isaacson who have been featured here!

Friday Fails

College basketball: UNC is having an off year…and so is UConn…and so is LSU…and so is the entire Pac 10 Conference. My interest in college basketball, pre-March, continues to wane as each new season comes. Which could be a sign I’m getting old, but my interest in college football remains unchanged. The only college hoops game this year that I have flipped by on TV that compelled me to watch to the end was Kansas-Kansas State in Manhattan (if for no other reason than to see if K-State’s head coach would finally explode from intensity). It’s not that the college game is without good players, but there is no one in my mind that I HAVE to watch when he’s playing. And that’s a problem.

Myself: Spilling a berry smoothie all over the floor and on my tan canvas shoes this week is pretty worthy of a fail, I’d say.


Enjoy your Valentine’s Day everyone!
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Anonymous said...

My mom is now a fan of your blog. I'm sure once my dad finds out, he will check it every day too!