Rocky Mountain Hi

If you have been wondering where I have been the last few days here is my answer…

Clearly, not in Los Angeles. I have been in beautiful Denver, Colorado since Saturday and hanging with two of my favorite people in the world, my brother and my sister-in-law.

Personally, I’m a girl who doesn’t like when the temperature drops under 70, but after three days of it looking like this here in Denver...

I was thrilled when they said it would be 40 today.

I don’t even know myself anymore.

This is a trip that’s a lot of work and some play for me, so I just wanted to do a quick photo post while I had the chance.

And, since we couldn’t go without mentioning something sports related, I took this on Tuesday:

Invesco Field is just a short walk from my brother’s office, where I’m helping him with a few projects at his job. It’s been so much fun.

But don’t you worry, there’s a food post coming. My trip happens to coincide with Denver during Restaurant Week (!!!!) and on Sunday, I had one of the most phenomenal meals I’ve ever had.

It involves meat. Lots of meat. 
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