Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites:

Spring Training
: There’s a line in the movie “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” a Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra movie, where Sinatra is standing at the spring training complex in Florida and gets excited about the coming season. He looks around nostalgically and says, “It happens to me every spring.” 

Me too. Baseball makes me happy. Spring Training makes me happy. Vin Scully makes me happy (the Dodgers themselves this season, however, make me terrified).

To talk about Spring Training and all of its awesomeness — seriously, if you haven’t been before, you’re missing out on one of the best ways to spend a spring afternoon —we’ll have a Q & A post on Tuesday with a former Major Leaguer. Hint: one of his stolen bases is one of the most famous in history. Check it out Tuesday!

Wildcat basketball: for the first time in my lifetime, my UA Wildcats will not be in the NCAA Tournament. It might sound like something that should go in the Friday Fails, but I put it here because that is a remarkable run. I’ll discuss this more in a post on Monday, but I don’t think their NCAA Tournament drought will last long.

Choosing a honeymoon spot: As my best friend says, “it will light at the end of the tunnel with all the wedding stuff.” Thinking about which resort we will stay at is so much more fun than thinking about what flowers to use. But maybe that’s just me.

Friday Fails:

Slacking Concession Stand: After a crazy couple of weeks, now I’m back to a normal schedule, so next week will be better. Promise.

University of Oregon football team: Let’s get it together guys.

The word “woot.” First, it’s not really a word. Second, there HAS to be a better way to express yourself when you are happy. I’m thinking about starting a personal crusade to rid the English language of this “word.”
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Anonymous said...

I am totally with you on liking choosing the honeymoon resort more than the flowers. That's why we chose to have a small religious wedding in May in Canada (where we're from) and have a renewal of vows in Mexico with friends and family. Trust me, as much as this plan is simpler, we are still very much looking forward to our honeymoon vacation!

Congrats on the engagement!